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3 Ways to Move Up a Kettlebell Size In The Kettlebell Snatch

Writer: Geoff NeupertGeoff Neupert

If you’re behind on your goals, using the KB Snatch can “catch you up” if you do it right.

Assuming you know how to Snatch correctly, here are 3 ways to move up a KB size:

[1] Perform HEAVY Kettlebell Swings

Either 2-Hand, 1-Hand, or even Double Swings.

This builds your hips and strengthens your hip drive.

Which in turn makes your Snatch size kettlebell feel lighter.

[2] Incorporate HEAVY Double Kettlebell Front Squats

… Or any double kettlebell Front Squats.

In Olympic lifting, we use the squat to drive up the lifts once we’ve mastered technique.


As you improve your maximum strength, you increase your ability to produce more power.

And the kettlebell Snatch is a power exercise.

[3] Snatch MORE.

I know this is a novel idea, but many kettlebell users over-emphasize the Swing.

(Yes, I know I just said to “Perform HEAVY Swings” but this is if you’ve already been doing a Ton O’ Swings.)

Nothing like practicing good old “synaptic facilitation” - higher frequency, lower fatigue training - to get stronger.

Remember, strength is a skill.

Snatching at a higher frequency not only increases and strengthens neural pathways in your brain, making your Snatch groove feel easier…

… it also boosts your confidence too, which drives you to want to snatch a heavier kettlebell.

Give one (or more) of these a shot and let me know how they worked for you. Learn More on My Website:


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