Here’s a list of resources to help you choose. (Some programs overlap - or cover multiple goals.)
GOAL: Improve conditioning, burn fat
10 x “Swing Only” programs
3x week, 15 to 30 minute workouts
Exercises used: 2-H Swing, 1-H Swing
Single kettlebell
Kettlebell GHFL
GOAL: Burn stomach fat without dieting
12-week program
3x week, 20 to 30 minute workouts
Exercises used, Novice: 2-H Swing, 1-H Swing
Exercises used, Intermediate: Snatch, Single KB Thruster (Front Squat-to-Press)
Exercises used, Advanced:Double KB Snatch, Double KB Thruster, Double KB Clean + Push Press, Double KB Clean + Jerk
Single (Novice & Intermediate) and double kettlebell (Advanced)
The King-Sized Killer
GOAL: Improve conditioning, burn fat, get stronger
3x “Snatch Only” programs
3x week, 20 minute workouts
Exercises used: Snatch
Single kettlebell
GOAL: Get stronger, burn fat, build muscle, improve conditioning
5x “Clean + Press Only” programs
3x week, 20 to 30 minutes
Exercises used: Single KB Clean + Press, Double KB Clean + Press
Single or double kettlebell
Kettlebell RMF
GOAL: Build muscle, burn fat, improve conditioning
3x 12-week “Clean + Jerk Only” programs
3x week, 20 to 30 minutes a day
Exercises use: Clean + Jerk (Clean + Push Press)
Double kettlebell
Kettlebell MAXIMORUM
GOAL: Get stronger, build muscle, “recomp” burn fat, improve conditioning
12-week program
4x week, 20-30 minutes
Exercises uses: Snatch, Double Clean + Press, Double Front Squat
Single and double kettlebell
Kettlebell STRONG!
GOAL: Get significantly stronger,
SIDE EFFECTS: Build muscle, “recomp,” burn fat, improve conditioning
48-weeks of programming
3x week, 20-30 minutes
Exercises uses: Double Clean + Press
Double kettlebell
Which kettlebell workout should you do?
Well, that depends on FOUR things:
[1] Your current physical limitations, if you have any
Injured or lack range of motion in one or more of your joints?
Well then you won’t be able to do some kettlebell exercises.
[2] Kettlebell exercises you know how to perform
Kettlebells aren’t particularly hard to use - they don’t require a PhD… but they do require some skill and some practice, pretty much like any skill: Woodworking, metallurgy, brain surgery… Ok, they’re not as complicated as brain surgery, although I think some would have you think so.
But they do require practice. And the more you practice the skill of lifting kettlebells - the nuances of each exercise - the more beneficial the exercises will be to and for you.
I’ve said it before, and it’s worth repeating - start with the single KB lifts. Master them, especially the mobility / stability required to use them. Then move on to the double KB lifts.
(Here’s my 5 Levels of Kettlebell Training Pyramid video.)
[3] Kettlebells you have available to you
Fortunately, the “kettlebell landscape” is far different than it was 20-25 years ago.
Back then, there was one dealer / manufacturer and gyms didn’t carry them.
Today, kettlebells are ubiquitous.
I sold the majority of mine back in the late 2010s, but fortunately, one of my close friends and the health club we belong to have all the kettlebells I need.
Sure, it can be kinda expensive to have a lot of them, especially if you buy them new. But you can find great deals almost daily on Facebook Marketplace.
[4] Your #1 goal
Readers of my newsletter generally have one of 4 goals:
1- Lose fat/get lean
2- Get stronger/ more muscular
3- Rehab old injuries/ feel younger
4- Improve conditioning for a sport
And your kettlebell workouts - or better stated - kettlebell training programs are really based on the variables of 1+2+3+4 = THE BEST PROGRAM FOR YOU RIGHT NOW.
So, if you’re looking for a program to achieve your goals, or are between programs right now, which program is right for you, {first_name}?
I’ll leave a list of resources to help you choose in the description based upon your goals.
Until next time…
Stay strong.