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Double Kettlebell Clean and Press - Rep Max Test

Writer: Geoff NeupertGeoff Neupert

The Double Kettlebell Clean and Press is arguably the most "complete" kettlebell exercise you can do to change your capability and your appearance.

Performing the Clean & Press with a pair of kettlebells is one of the most complete “exercises” there is.

It works your upper and lower body.

And it works almost all the fundamental human movement patters: Push, Pull, Squat, Bend, Lunge, Twist, Walk (Gait).

It’s a -

✅ Bend

✅ Pull

✅ Push

✅ Squat


Yes, there’s some knee bend in there, so your quads get some work, but without the leg chafing that comes from heavy squats.

Think about it:





Lower back






Upper back


… All worked from simply picking a pair of kettlebells up and pressing them over head.

Not to mention when you do them for reps.

In this video I decided to take my 32kg kettlebells for a spin and do a double kettlebell clean and press rep max test.

I did a "comfortable" 10 at an 8 out of 10 RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion).

I could've probably squeezed out 2 more.

A 10RM is a great load to force some noticeable changes to take place in your body.

Assuming you have your programming dialed in.

I put together a kettlebell workout program based on the Clean and Press - you can use single or double...

... That a lot of guys over 30 are really enjoying.

They're reporting back things like the following -

💪 Shirts start fitting “differently” across the shoulders and upper back…

💪 Shirt sleeves start feeling tighter.

💪 Veins in your forearms that weren’t there before. Or at least you didn’t notice…

💪 Jeans than button easily and are no longer as snug in the waist like they once were.

💪 Every day activities, like running up and down the stairs are a breeze

This new kettlebell workout program is based upon your 10RM or your 5RM of you kettlebell clean and press, with 1 or 2 reps of "wiggle room" on either side.

It's called "THE GIANT" and it's only a max of 90 minutes a week.


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