Double kettlebell complexes: Fat loss, conditioning, building dense, lean muscle in the most time efficient manner - these are arguably the best way to go for
Well designed double kettlebell complex workouts can take as little as 9 minutes, depending on how many double kettlebell exercises you include in them.
This video is the Light Day of a 3-day a week, 6-week, double kettlebell fat loss program called “The Shoulder Smoker,” found inside “More Kettlebell Muscle.”
Here are today's workout details:
(Make sure you’re using a 12 rep max for your double kettlebell press.)
Double Kettlebell Snatch x6
Double Kettlebell Front Squat x6
Double Kettlebell Press x6
Week 1: Perform 3 sets. Work: Rest = 1:2*
*Work: Rest = 1:2 means time yourself performing this double kettlebell complex. Then rest twice as long. Example: It takes you 1 minute to perform. Rest 2 minutes before doing another set.
You can do these double complex workouts as full, stand-alone workouts, as general conditioning work (GPP) on separate days from your main workouts or tacked on the back of them, pure fat loss programs if you're in a caloric deficit, or even build muscle if you're in a caloric surplus
If you’d like a complete double kettlebell complex fat loss workout program, visit:
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