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One of the best ways to train for “all around strength”

Writer's picture: Geoff NeupertGeoff Neupert

👉 ‘THE BIG 6’

👉 Kettlebell RMF -

If you want some challenging kettlebell complexes (and chains) that will build “all-round strength & conditioning” and possibly even hack some flab from your sides, I’ll leave a link in the description below.

I’ll leave another link in the description below to an old video I made demonstrating how to use your lighter KBs for “timed complexes:”

Sometimes, for whatever reason, you just don’t have access to a wide range of KBs.

So, how do you train if “all around strength / conditioning” is your goal?

One of the best ways is to use the following methodology:

1- Low reps, multiple sets (1-3 reps, 10-30 sets)

2- Medium reps, multiple sets (3-6 reps, 5-20 sets)

3- High-ish reps, multiple sets (6-10 reps, 10-20 sets)

4- Repeat 1-3 but decrease rest periods

5- Add complexity by creating compound lifts:

Military Press → Clean + Press → Clean + Press + Front Squat

6- Repeat 1-4 at each step of #5

7- Add a second KB of any size to make a mis-matched pair

8- Repeat steps 1-5

9- Get a second KB and make an equal pair with a medium sized KB

10- Repeat steps 1-5 again

Pretty simple if you take the time to think about it.

Some other ideas:

II- Learn new kettlebell skills, like the Snatch or the Jerk, if you haven’t already.

Then once again, follow steps 1-5.

(Use ‘THE BIG 6’ to learn the Snatch or Kettlebell RMF to learn the Jerk.)

III- Turn everything into either a complex or chain.

Complex: A series of compound exercises performed sequentially with the same weight (kettlebell) and without rest. All the reps for one exercise are completed before moving on to the next exercise in the sequence.

Here’s an example:

Swing x 5

Clean x 5

Press x 5

A kettlebell complex then is a complex performed using a kettlebell. Or two kettlebells.

Let’s not confuse this with a “Chain,” which is similar.

Chain: A series of compound exercises performed sequentially with the same kettlebell in which each exercise is performed once before the sequence is started again. Each time the sequence is performed is considered one repetition.

Here’s an example:

(Swing + Clean + Press) x 5

And then, you guessed it, follow steps 1-5.

The sky’s the limit as to how many different complexes you can create.

However, there should be a logical “flow” to them - where one exercise leads into and feeds the next.

Like following a Front Squat with a Press, for example.

Building yourself up over time using complexes and chains builds “all around strength & conditioning.”

They were a favorite of mine when I used to train college wrestlers for a living back in the mid to late 1990s. (The Crew team “enjoyed” them too.)

In fact, complexes and chains are also a fantastic way to strip off unwanted body fat and a wonderfully time-efficient train during the summer, when many of our schedules get a little tighter because the kids are out of school and we’re traveling more.

Workouts don’t have to take long.

You can get “all you want” in 15 minutes, sometimes less.

If you want some challenging kettlebell complexes (and chains) that will build “all-round strength & conditioning” and possibly even hack some flab from your sides, I’ll leave a link in the description below.

The other cool thing is, if you have some extra “lighter” bells laying around you’re not sure what to do with, you can use them for some of these complexes.

For example, I’ll leave another link in the description below to an old video I made demonstrating how to use your lighter KBs for “timed complexes:”

Remember, kettlebell training can be “complex” without being overly complicated. ;-]

Stay Strong…



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