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3 reasons why guys and ladies fail see results from their workouts

Writer's picture: Geoff NeupertGeoff Neupert


GOAL: Improve conditioning, burn fat

10 x “Swing Only” programs

3x week, 15 to 30 minute workouts

Exercises used: 2-H Swing, 1-H Swing

Single kettlebell

Kettlebell GHFL

GOAL: Burn stomach fat without dieting

12-week program

3x week, 20 to 30 minute workouts

Exercises used, Novice: 2-H Swing, 1-H Swing

Exercises used, Intermediate: Snatch, Single KB Thruster (Front Squat-to-Press)

Exercises used, Advanced: Double KB Snatch, Double KB Thruster, Double KB Clean + Push Press, Double KB Clean + Jerk

Single (Novice & Intermediate) and double kettlebell (Advanced)

The King-Sized Killer

GOAL: Improve conditioning, burn fat, get stronger

3x “Snatch Only” programs

3x week, 20 minute workouts

Exercises used: Snatch

Single kettlebell


GOAL: Get stronger, burn fat, build muscle, improve conditioning

5x “Clean + Press Only” programs

3x week, 20 to 30 minutes

Exercises used: Single KB Clean + Press, Double KB Clean + Press

Single or double kettlebell

Kettlebell RMF

GOAL: Build muscle, burn fat, improve conditioning

3x 12-week “Clean + Jerk Only” programs

3x week, 20 to 30 minutes a day

Exercises use: Clean + Jerk (Clean + Push Press)

Double kettlebell

Kettlebell MAXIMORUM

GOAL: Get stronger, build muscle, “recomp” burn fat, improve conditioning

12-week program

4x week, 20-30 minutes

Exercises uses: Snatch, Double Clean + Press, Double Front Squat

Single and double kettlebell

Kettlebell STRONG!

GOAL: Get significantly stronger,

SIDE EFFECTS: Build muscle, “recomp,” burn fat, improve conditioning

48-weeks of programming

3x week, 20-30 minutes

Exercises used: Double Clean + Press

Double kettlebell

Kettlebell W.O.D.

GOAL: Workout consistently, burn fat, build muscle, improve conditioning

53 weeks of programming

5x week, 20 minutes

Exercises used: All of them 🙂

Single and double kettlebell

REASON #1: You MUST Create Some Form Of Overload.

… Which is what I told him.

You must:

[+] Increase your reps per set

[+] Increase the number of sets you do

[+] Increase the load/weight you do

[+] Increase the amount of work you do in the same time

[+] Keep the amount of work you do constant, but decrease the time in which you do it

Many people just do the same old thing.

At first, it works. You see results.

Then, the stimulus to create change is no longer a stimulus.

And that’s one reason you stop seeing results - your results stall out.

REASON #2: Random Acts of Variety.

“I feel like doing Get Ups today…”

“I don’t feel like doing Swings today…”

Many people don’t see results because they are constantly “changing it up” so they “don’t get bored” and as a result, their body has no idea what they’re asking it to do.

A violinist doesn’t “mix it up” by playing the guitar on Tuesdays, the cello on Wednesdays, the Bass on Thursdays, and then for a “challenge,” the piano on Fridays to “keep it fresh.”

No, he plays the violin every day, and changes what he plays.

There has to be some “continuity” in your training program so your body can adapt.

Sure, you can use a variety of similar and / or related movements:

2-Hand Swing, 1-Hand Swing, Hand-to-Hand Swing…

Goblet Squat, Single KB Front Squat, Double KB Front Squat…

Single Military Press, Double Military Press, Bottoms Up Press…

You get the point, right?


You can also inject variety by changing the set and rep schemes, the size KBs you use, and even the rest periods.

Each will have a different effect and produce a different outcome.

REASON #3: Inconsistency.

Many people are “Consistently Inconsistent” -

Meaning something always comes up and gets in the way of their workouts.

They train 2 days one week… 1 day the next week… then 3 days (!)... then back to 2 days…

Then they “pull a muscle” and “have to” take 2 weeks off…

And as they go to bed tonight they’ll look back and wonder why they haven’t achieved the goals they set for themselves on January 1st…

“This kettlebell-thing just isn’t working…”

… They’ll say to themselves.

No, amigo. YOU’RE not working!

BONUS - REASON #4: They Eat More to Accommodate For Their Workouts.

Here’s one that may resonate with you:

You workout, you get a little hungry, or hungrier than normal, so you eat more.


4 weeks later, the scale hasn’t moved or worse -

The scale is up!

(And your clothes are tighter in the wrong places!)

Look, if your goal is to “lose weight,” you have to put the proverbial “knife to your throat” and not eat so much.

Working out isn’t a license for pigging out.

If you’ve “struggled with your weight,” you can’t just “wing it.”

You have to know what you’re eating.

All of it.



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