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Is THIS the “Perfect Kettlebell Workout?”

Writer's picture: Geoff NeupertGeoff Neupert

Kettlebell MAXIMORUM

4 days a week

20-25 minutes a day

Snatch, Double Clean + Press, Double Front Squat

12 week program - 2 phases

Nutrition & Active Recovery Measures Included

The King-Sized Killer

3 days a week

20 minutes a day

Snatch “Only”

3x 9-week programs


Minimalist Variety

Clean + Press Variations

3x week

20-30 minutes

3 programs - X1, X2, and X3

Kettlebell W.O.D.

5 days a week

20 minutes a day (5 minute warm up, 15 minutes training)

53 weeks - 1 year + 1 week

All kettlebell exercises used - single & double - over the course of the year

Some bodyweight

Kettlebell Burn 2.0

3 days a week

40-45 minutes a day

16 weeks - 4x 4-week phases

Single kettlebell - Swing, Clean, Press, TGU, Rows, Goblet Squat, Snatch, and more

Kettlebell HARD!

3 days a week

10-30 minutes a day

35+ 9-12 week programs

Double KB Complexes & Chains

When you think of the “perfect workout,” what runs through your mind?

I remember in my early years as a young wet-behind-the-ears strength & conditioning coach, I would spend HOURS trying to come up with the “perfect program”...

The one that does it ALL…






… Because those were the things that were important to me (and most of my athletes).

I spent hours upon hours reading texts on periodization, sports specific training, powerlifting, and whatever Olympic lifting material I could get my hands on at the time (late mid 1990s - early 2000s).

I even remember “farming it out” and using a certification’s model.

It looked great on paper…

… But failed to produce meaningful change in our clients’ physiques.

And so it is with “kettlebell workouts.”

On one hand, we have the Minimalists…

The 1 to 2 exercises per training session.

(I often default to this crowd - I’ll explain why in a moment.)

And on the other hand, we have the Kitchen Sink’ers…

The 16 exercises per workout group - reminiscent of Bodybuilding workouts.

Who’s right?

And what about the “Middle Ground”?

The answer is both and neither.

Let me explain…

The person who’s “right” is the one who can demonstrate visible, tangible results from the program they used.

The person who’s “wrong,” is the one who cannot.

It’s really THAT simple.

Problem is, the more moving parts something has, the more likely it is to break.

And the harder it is to fix.

That’s why I personally prefer programs that have 2 to 5 exercises in them.

They’re easier to program… AND get done.

“Why do you say that Geoff?”


I’ve been doing this a LONGGGGGGG time.

Over 30 years.

Slinging the bells around for 22 years.

Picture this:

You get home late from work.

Worse, you brought work home with you and it’s “workout night.”

If you have kids, you know how this goes, because on these nights the kiddos always need extra attention or there’s some kind of extra drama.

Now, which is easier to do?

A- Knock out 20 minutes of 1 to 2 exercises, or -

B- Complete 5 exercises in the next 45 to 60 minutes

And which is more likely to get done?

A - exactly.

And admittedly, this gets harder to do the more mileage you have on your body, simply because it takes you longer to warm up and get going.

So the key to finding the “Perfect Kettlebell Workout” is assessing your Wants / Needs and balancing them with what you actually will do.

That’s why most of my programs are 3 days a week, and use between 1-4 exercises.

They’re accessible.

They’re manageable.

And that means they’re completable - they’ll get done.

The TRUTH is this:

The Perfect Kettlebell Workout is relative to the individual and his/her situation/season in life.

What worked for one season, may not work in the next.

Here are some 3-4 day-a-week templates you can use to create your “Perfect Kettlebell Workout”:

#1 - Press, Pull, Legs

#2 - MLH - Medium, Heavy, Light

#3 - Alternate: Grinds, Ballistics, Grinds, Ballistics

#4 - Ballistics: OTM - On The Minute

#5 - Strength Circuits

#6 - Strength, Power, Endurance

#7 - Strength, Hypertrophy, Power

Hopefully, that will get you going.

And if you don’t want to design your own “Perfect Kettlebell Workout?”

I’ll leave links in the video description below to some of my best full blown 9 to 20+ week kettlebell training programs you can use to put your mind on “autopilot” and be able to visibly measure your results - leaner, stronger, more muscular, better conditioned…

I’m pretty sure you’ll find your “Perfect Kettlebell Workout” somewhere in that list.

Stay Strong,

Geoff Neupert.



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