Sometimes guys (and ladies) get confused and frustrated with their KB workouts.
And that’s because even though they see some increases in their training logs…
They only see minor changes in their appearances.
Sure, seeing more muscular shoulders, arms and an upper back is pretty cool…
But when the belly still hangs over the belt when you sit down…
It’s a reminder for many that things still aren’t as they should be.
So why’s that happen?
And more importantly, if that’s happening to you now, what can, or should you do about it to start seeing changes?
So let’s dive in…
FIRST - Why’s That Happen?
For most, it’s pretty simple:
1- There’s no net decrease in calorie input, so the body doesn’t have to give up any of its fat stores.
2- You’re not recovering enough between / from training sessions. So, it’s possible circulating cortisol levels are high, which contribute to the formation of new stomach fat cells.
3- You’re not working as hard as you think you are.
SECOND - What Do You or Can You Do About It?
1- Take Ownership
Depending on your worldview, things either happen TO you…
Or FOR you.
I prefer to view life through the latter lens.
In order to decrease stress, if you haven’t done so already, I recommend you do the same.
2- Recalibrate Your Vision
As a result, you now see this as an opportunity to fine-tune your vision, identify behaviors that are no longer serving you and keep you from that vision.
For example, the idea of “Recomping” - losing fat, getting stronger, and building muscle - all in the same training program - with minimum focus on nutrition…
Is super-appealing to many guys - if not most.
But the truth is (unfortunately), that Recomping may not be a strategy that works for you, especially if you’re not seeing any change in your stomach area.
Here are some other examples that don’t serve many guys:
Ex. Drinking beer at night after work in front of the TV to “unwind’...
Ex. Eating whatever you want because you “work out”
Ex. Going to bed “early” but staying up late watching YouTube podcasts or other such stuff on your tablet or phone
3- Create New Behaviors
Once you’ve identified the behaviors keeping you from your vision, it’s time to replace them with new ones that close the gap between your vision and reality.
Ex. Replace the beer with a walk.
Ex. Prioritize protein and eat it at every meal.
Ex. Turn the phone off and leave it outside the bedroom. Use an old fashioned alarm clock instead of the one on your phone.
4- Work Harder
Some guys workout with their smart phone and it becomes a distraction.
They end up checking emails or Flakebook or sending texts between sets instead of staying focused on the matter at hand.
And some guys, through no fault of their own, have never been shown what hard work looks like.
So, programs with strict work / rest periods may be a better choice for both groups.
THIRD - What To Do Next
My recommendation here is simple:
Determine that you are going to acquire the necessary skills to make your vision a reality.
[+] Learn to use Supportive Nutrition - eating the right foods to create a fat-burning environment inside your body
[+] Challenge yourself to work harder (if / when you need to)
[+] Rest when you’re supposed to rest (if you work harder than you have been, this part will be easy)
And if you need a resource to make this happen, I’ll leave a link to one of my best 16-week programs for you in the description below. That way you’ll have the next 4 months covered.
And, I apologize in advance because if you’re like most guys who have used that program, you’ll end up having to buy new pants and maybe even new shirts because your waist will get smaller and your upper body will become more muscular.
Stay Strong,